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"Idea of king is back": Rahul Gandhi slams PM Modi on unemployment, Pegasus, China row

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Published : Feb 2, 2022, 7:11 PM IST

Updated : Feb 3, 2022, 7:03 AM IST

Congress MP Rahul Gandhi launched a scathing attack on the BJP- led Central Government on the issues of inflation, unemployment, Pegasus spyware and border tensions with China. He alleged that there are now two distinct Indias, one for the rich and another for the poor and asserted that the gap is increasing. Gandhi was addressing Lok Sabha in motion of thanks to the presidential address.

Presidential address seemed like a was a list of bureaucratic ideas: Rahul Gandhi in LS
Presidential address seemed like a was a list of bureaucratic ideas: Rahul Gandhi in LS

New Delhi: Congress MP Rahul Gandhi launched a scathing attack on the BJP-led Central Government on the issues of inflation, unemployment, Pegasus spyware, and border tensions with China. He alleged that there are now two distinct Indias, one for the rich and another for the poor, and asserted that the gap is increasing. Gandhi was addressing Lok Sabha in motion of thanks to the presidential address.

"There are two Indias, one India is for the extremely rich people and then another India for the poor. The gap between these two Indias is widening. There was not a single word on unemployment in the Presidential Address. The youth across the country is looking for jobs. Your government is unable to provide them with one," he said.

Congress MP Rahul Gandhi launched a scathing attack on the BJP-led Central Government

"The presidential address did not even say a word about the issue of unemployment. Your government has failed to provide employment to the Indian youth. Alone in 2021, three crore youth have lost employment...Unemployment is at its highest in the last 50 years. You spoke of make in India, Startup India but the jobs and employment the youth should have been given are nowhere. You too know this reality. You skipped mentioning employment in your speeches because you know that if you say so, the youth of India will call you liars," he said.

"You keep talking about Made in India. But Made in India is not possible anymore. You have destroyed it. You need to support small and medium industries, otherwise 'Made in India' is not possible. Small and medium industries are the only ones who can create jobs," Rahul Gandhi said.

'Two competing visions'

'Two competing visions'

Giving statistics in his address, Gandhi said that 84 per cent of the population's income has decreased during the NDA regime, while during the UPA government, 23 crores were lifted out of poverty. Taking a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Wayanad MP said that the idea of a "king of India" has been brought back by the ruling BJP that was "smashed in 1947" by Congress.

"There are two competing visions in the country. The main difference between us and them. If you read the constitution of India you will find that India is described as a Union of States. India is not described as a nation," he said, adding: "Union of states means it is a negotiation, it is a conversation, it is a partnership, it is not a kingdom."

Another vision, he said, is that India can be "ruled by a stick" from the Centre. "You have no idea of history. Every time it was attempted, that stick has been broken and smashed. As a result of your flawed vision of the country, two Indias are of course being created," he said.

'Attack after attack' on unorganised sector

'Attack after attack' on unorganised sector

In the last seven years, Rahul said, the BJP government has launched "attack after attack" on the unorganised sector and the small and medium industries. "Demonetisation, wrong GST, zero support during corona. The result is that today the income of 84% of Indians has decreased and they are moving towards poverty.

'Double-A (Adani Ambani) variant'

'Double-A (Adani Ambani) variant'

The double-A (Adani Ambani) variant is spreading in the economy of India. "You will find Adani in ports, airports, power, transmission, mining, green energy, gas distribution, edible oils. On the other end is Ambani. Monopolies in petrochemicals, telecom, retail, e-commerce. The entire wealth is going to selected people," he said.

Continuing with his attack on the saffron party and the Narendra Modi-le government, Gandhi said, "In the last five years, manufacturing jobs have dropped by 46% because you destroyed the informal and MSME sector. You are completely focused on 5 or 10 people. The 'poor India' will not remain silent. This India is seeing everything. 100 most rich in India have more wealth than 55 crore people in India. 10 people have around 40 per cent of the entire wealth. Who did it? Narendra Modi did it."

Instruments 'destroying' the institutional framework

Instruments 'destroying' the institutional framework

Asserting over the points of cooperative federalism, "conversation and negotiation" with regards to the concept of "union of states" mentioned in the Constitution of India, he said, "You will never ever in your life rule over the people of Tamil Nadu. No matter what fantasies you have, you will never ever rule over the people of a state of India. You can look at Ashoka, Maurya, the country has always been ruled by conversation and negotiation."

"The Judiciary, the Election Commission, and Pegasus are instruments used for destroying the voice of the people of states," he added. Hitting out at the Government's foreign policy, the Congress MP alleged that the nation is facing a threat as Pakistan and China are getting closer.

'My mother was shot 32 times'

A particular organisation, he said, has captured the institutional framework of the country and is attacking the voice of different states of the country. "It is going to trigger a response from the union of states. My great grandfather spent 15 years in Jail building this thing, my grandmother was shot 32 times, and my father was blown to bits so I understand a little bit about what this country is. You are fiddling with something very very dangerous. I am advising you to stop! if you do not, you will create a problem...The problem has already started in the northeast, in Tamil Nadu, in J&K," he said.

Manipur delegation 'insulted' by Home Minister

Manipur delegation 'insulted' by Home Minister

Rahul Gandhi also claimed that a political leader who came from Manipur told him that he felt insulted after a delegation of political leaders from the northeast state were asked to remove their shoes when they went to meet Home Minister Amit Shah recently. "The political leader told me we were asked to remove our shoes. And when we went inside we found that the Home Minister was wearing his slippers. What does this mean? This is not the way to deal with the people of India," he said.

India's foreign policy

RSS and the BJP are playing with the foundation of our country

"My understanding is that the RSS and the BJP are playing with the foundation of our country. Ask yourself why you are not able to get a guest on Republic Day. India today is completely isolated and surrounded. We are surrounded in Nepal, Afghanistan, China," Gandhi said.

He added, "We have been weakened. Our institutions are under attack. The Chinese have a very clear vision of what they want to do. The single biggest strategic goal of India's foreign policy is to keep Pakistan and China separate and you brought them closer. Do not underestimate the force, the power that stands before us. This is the single biggest crime against the people of India. I can clearly see that China has a plan."

India's foreign policy

Gandhi asserted, "The foundation of their plan has been put in place in Doklam. This is a very serious threat to the Indian nation. We have made huge strategic mistakes in J&K and in our foreign policy. It is very clear that the Chinese and Pakistanis are planning. Look at the weapons they are buying, look at the way they are talking."

"We have made a massive blunder and I am absolutely sure we can defend against the Chinese. Remember, you will be responsible. As a nation, it is important to listen to us. The nation is at risk from outside and inside. and I don't like that. This worries me. I know many of you will rubbish what I am saying but remember you are putting the nation at great risk," the Congress MP asserted.

Last Updated : Feb 3, 2022, 7:03 AM IST
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