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Bangladesh, India relationship has been on the ascendancy: Expert

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Published : Dec 13, 2021, 8:47 PM IST

The expert underlined that this particular visit by President Kovind comes in the backdrop of the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh liberation and India has made a significant contribution in that direction, which is acknowledged by Bangladesh leaders publicly and openly. "So the idea is to keep the flow of exchanges constant and consolidate the relationship with Bangladesh to the extent possible", he added.

Bangladesh, India relationship has been on the ascendancy: Expert
Bangladesh, India relationship has been on the ascendancy: Expert

New Delhi: After Foreign Secretary Harsh V Shringla visited Bangladesh, President Ram Nath Kovind is slated to pay a State Visit to Bangladesh from December 15 to 17, to attend the 50th Victory Day celebrations of Bangladesh.

Speaking on the importance of the visit, former ambassador Achal Malhotra told ETV Bharat that ever since India adopted the neighbourhood first policy, the response from various neighbouring countries has been different but Bangladesh under the leadership of its current PM has shown a great sense of sensitivity towards India".

Bangladesh is one country with which our relationship has been on the 'ascendency'. And at the same time, China is making all possible efforts to break into this stronghold of India. Therefore, India needs to sustain this relationship and not let it slip away under any circumstances, he added.

The expert underlined that this particular visit by President Kovind comes in the backdrop of the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh liberation and India has made a significant contribution in that direction, which is acknowledged by Bangladesh leaders publicly and openly. "So the idea is to keep the flow of exchanges constant and consolidate the relationship with Bangladesh to the extent possible", he added.

Prez Kovind is visiting Dhaka at the invitation of the President of Bangladesh Abdul Hamid. President of India gracing the historic event is a reflection of the high priority that both countries attach to the bilateral relationship.

It also reaffirms the shared desire of both countries to further consolidate and strengthen the multifaceted and irreversible partnership, based on historical and cultural ties, mutual trust and understanding.

During the visit, the President is scheduled to hold a delegation-level meeting with the President of Bangladesh.

Prime Minister of Bangladesh H.E. Ms Sheikh Hasina will call on the President. Foreign Minister of Bangladesh H.E. Dr A.K. Abdul Momen will also call on him.

Earlier, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had paid a State Visit to Bangladesh from March 26 to 27, 2021 to join the celebrations of the golden jubilee of the independence of Bangladesh, the birth centenary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and 50 years of establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Bangladesh.

India- Bangladesh ties

Bangladesh is a major pillar of India’s Neighbourhood First Policy. India and Bangladesh share progressive, comprehensive and substantial cooperation in diverse areas ranging from security, border management & defence, water resources, trade, transport & connectivity, health, culture & people-to-people ties, energy & power to development partnership and sub-regional cooperation. Both countries have closely cooperated in addressing challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, the Congress party has announced to formally conclude its year-long celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Bangladesh Liberation War, 1971 (BLW-71) with a glittering ceremony in New Delhi on December 15, along with various programmes in all the districts of the country on December 16, 2021.

Earlier this month, during the Maitri Diwas celebration in New Delhi, Foreign Secretary Shringla noted that 50 years ago, the people of Bangladesh were engaged in a mighty struggle. They fought to liberate themselves, in one of the great movements in history, from a vicious regime.

“India is privileged to have played a role in this struggle for independence. India is privileged that it could stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the people of Bangladesh in their most difficult moments. India shared their joy when the people of Bangladesh emerged from this struggle as a victorious people and as a free nation”, he reiterated.
Also Read: Prez Kovind to visit Bangladesh for Victory Day celebrations


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