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India celebrates constitution day: A reflection on democratic ideals and civic responsibilities

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By ETV Bharat English Team

Published : Nov 25, 2023, 11:51 PM IST

National Constitution Day of India or National Law Day is observed every year on November 26 to honour our Indian constitution. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is known as the father of our Indian Constitution. This day serves as a tribute to the visionary leaders and framers of the Indian Constitution. The Indian Constitution stands as the longest-written constitution all over the world, embodying the aspirations and ideals of a pluralistic society.

Constitution Day in India, also known as National Law Day, commemorates the adoption of the Indian Constitution on November 26, 1949.
National constitution day

Hyderabad: Constitution Day in India, also known as National Law Day, commemorates the adoption of the Indian Constitution on November 26, 1949. This day holds immense historical significance, symbolising the foundation of a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic.

History- India's struggle for independence came to an end in 1947, leading to its freedom from British rule. Following independence, the Constituent Assembly of India was entrusted with the monumental task of drafting a constitution for the newly liberated nation. Led by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the Assembly tirelessly worked on this constitutional framework, emphasizing equality, justice, and liberty for all citizens.

Significance- Constitution Day serves as a tribute to the visionary leaders and framers of the Indian Constitution. It stands as a reminder of the values enshrined within the document and the commitment to upholding democratic principles, promoting unity, and ensuring social harmony.

Mission- The primary mission of Constitution Day is to raise awareness about the Indian Constitution, its significance, and the rights and duties it bestows upon every citizen. It aims to promote civic engagement, educate the people about their fundamental rights, and emphasize the importance of constitutional governance in a diverse and multicultural society.

Objective- Through various educational programs, discussions, and seminars conducted across the nation, the objective of Constitution Day is to encourage active participation in democratic processes. It seeks to empower citizens with knowledge about their rights and responsibilities, promoting a culture of constitutional literacy and promoting a sense of ownership in shaping the nation's future.

Constitution of India- The Indian Constitution stands as the longest-written constitution all over the world, embodying the aspirations and ideals of a pluralistic society. It delineates the framework of government, outlines fundamental rights, directs the distribution of powers between the center and the states, and establishes the basic structure of governance.

Father of Indian Constitution-Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, a prominent jurist, social reformer, and Dalit leader, is often regarded as the principal architect and the 'Father of the Indian Constitution.' His tireless efforts and profound understanding of legal principles played a pivotal role in shaping the document. His commitment to social justice and equality is reflected in the Constitution's provisions, making it a beacon of hope and progress.

India's Constitution Day serves as a testament to the nation's commitment to democracy, justice, and inclusivity. It is a reminder that the Constitution isn't merely a legal document but a living embodiment of the collective aspirations and values of a diverse populace.

As the country commemorates this significant day, it becomes imperative for every citizen to reflect on the Constitution's principles and strive towards upholding its ideals. It is through understanding, respecting, and abiding by the constitutional values that a vibrant and inclusive democracy can flourish.

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