
Must know things about facial


Published : Oct 14, 2021, 1:28 PM IST

After a certain age, it becomes all the more important to take care of skin, for both men and women. Many women after the age of 30, go for facial sessions, to keep their skin looking young. But is facial really effective? Let us know more about it.

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The effect of ageing as well as of pollution and our environment is clearly visible on our skin. After a particular age, our skin needs more care and in such a situation, getting a facial is one good option. Facial increases blood circulation and helps remove the dirt settled in the skin. Facial massage also removes the dead cells, which makes the process of formation of new cells easier. Also, the appearance of wrinkles would be delayed.

How Is Facial A Good Option?

In a conversation with ETV Bharat Sukhibhava, expert Dermatologist Dr Rekha Jain explained that nowadays, the impact of pollution, fatigue, fast-paced life, stress and using chemical-based products like makeup, can be easily seen on people’s faces, below the age of 30 years, especially women. Effects can be seen in the form of acne, pimples, blackheads, marks/blemishes, and dull and dry skin. To relieve these problems, facials can be helpful.

Beauty expert Savita Sharma says that a facial usually takes one or one and a half hours for the whole process, which involves cleaning, scrubbing, massaging, as well as steam and application of face packs. Through all these steps, efforts are made to clean the skin, remove dead cells, increase blood circulation, moisturise skin and reduce the effect of wrinkles and make the skin glowing.

Moreover, there are various kinds of facials and the right one should be chosen according to the skin type and skin condition. Fruit facial, pearl facial, aroma oil facial, gold facial, skin polishing facial and ozone facial are some varieties. Besides this, facial treatments are also available nowadays, which target a particular skin condition and are done by dermatologists or in skincare clinics. In such treatments, specially designed tools, devices and machines are used.

How Often Should You Get A Facial?

Facials are good for the skin, but it is important to know how often you should get it done. Dr. Rekha Jain that the frequency of getting facials depends upon the age, duration for which he/she is exposed to dust and pollution, skin condition and skin type.

Generally, people after the age of 25 with normal skin type and who are less exposed to environmental impurities can get facials done once in 2-3 months. But if someone has excessively oily, dry or problem-prone skin, he/she must get a facial once every month. Also, women over the age of 30 must get it done once every month.

Dr. Jain also mentions that to avoid any type of allergic reaction to the skin, it is very important to obtain complete information about the products being used and the ingredients they contain. At the same time, one must also know what he/she is allergic to, otherwise, instead of relieving, facials can aggravate the problem. Apart from this, make sure you get a facial done by an expert only, because excessive pressure on the skin or massaging in a wrong manner can negatively affect the skin.

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