
International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression 2023: Acknowledging Physical, Mental, Emotional Abuse Endured by Children


Published : Jun 4, 2023, 5:01 AM IST

International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression 2023: Acknowledging Physical, Mental, Emotional Abuse Endured by Children
International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression 2023: Acknowledging Physical, Mental, Emotional Abuse Endured by Children

The United Nations General Assembly began observing the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression on June 4 to acknowledge the mental, physical and emotional abuse suffered by children across the world.

Hyderabad: In recent decades, children have been the biggest victims of terrorist attacks and wars across the world. A larger population is unaware that the children who are victims of war also suffer mental and physical abuse. Children are the most vulnerable even during the smallest breakouts of armed conflict, and therefore they suffer the most.

In general, the events observed by the United Nations are usually related to health, but some of these events are also dedicated to children. One such event is the 'International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression'. Initially observed for the child victims of war, its purpose was later expanded to include active efforts to protect children who are physically, mentally and emotionally abused across the world.

This day is also considered a platform for the ratification of the United Nations Resolution for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, which began on August 19, 1982, when the children of Palestine and Lebanon became victims of war violence due to Israeli violence and Palestine called on the United Nations to take action. In remembrance of this violence against children, the UN General Assembly observes the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression on June 4.

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Israel announced an attack on southern Lebanon on June 4, 1982. Following the announcement, large numbers of innocent Lebanese and Palestinian children were killed, injured and displaced. Whether it is war or any other form of armed conflict, children are the worst affected. Not only are they deprived of general education, but many children also become victims of malnutrition.

The Graça Machel report from 1997 drew the world's attention towards the devastating effects of armed conflict on children. The United Nations then adopted the well-known Resolution 51/77 on the rights of the child. This was a major effort to increase the safety of children in conflicted situations.

The United Nations considers the recruitment and use of children in warfare, murder, sexual abuse, violence, kidnapping, attacks on schools and hospitals, and denial of children's human rights to be the six serious child rights violations. Child abuse has increased dramatically in recent years, and about 250 million children in conflict-affected countries need protection across the world.


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