
‘Friends With Benefits’: A Popular Trend Amongst The Youth


Published : Nov 21, 2021, 8:01 AM IST

The youth today is very much familiar with “Friends With Benefits”, a concept prevalent in today’s generation, that focuses only on physical relationships and no commitment between the couple. Such a relationship may keep you free from responsibilities, but it can also sometimes affect a person physically, emotionally as well as socially.

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Friends With Benefits

Sonia Singh, a first-year graduate student, recently faced a strange situation when a boy who has been her friend since class 9th made an offer to have a relationship where they will be friends but date each other and have no commitments. After hearing this, Sonia got caught in a dilemma, because this can neither be described as a love relationship nor a friendship.

This must-have sounded weird to Sonia, but this kind of relationship is very much in trend these days. It is commonly known as “Friends With Benefits” (FWB). This is a relationship in which despite being friends, two people also date each other but have no commitments. The main motive, in the majority of cases, is to fulfill their sexual desires.

A Common Trend In Colleges And Office

An MBA first-year student, who has had first-hand experience of such a relationship says that this has become a trend these days. He was in such a relationship for 2 years. Although they did not have a sexual relationship, they did use to date, hug, kiss and go for drives together. After 2 years, the girl moved into a serious relationship, while Paritosh decided to focus on his studies. He says that their main motive was to enjoy a relationship without any commitment and which did not interfere in their studies and other relationships.

Similarly, Parjiad, a man working in Mumbai believes that any serious relationship demands time and commitment, but in today’s fast-paced life, it becomes quite difficult to find time for each other. Also, all the youth wants is romance, adventure and excitement, without any responsibilities, which is why FWB relationships attract a lot of young people. It is also common in the office when colleagues wish to “chill” together on weekends.

Is It Ok To Have Such A Relationship?

Counselor, former lecturer and psychologist Dr. Renuka Sharma (Ph.D.) says that such kinds of relationships are not a new trend and they existed in metro cities and have now become part of modern dating. Also, not just boys, girls too wish to have such relationships these days. It also does not require any acceptance from the family or convincing since there is no future of this relationship and alongside, both the partners have a chance to find better options.

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Limitations Should Be Set

Sometimes, such relationships can also hurt emotionally. Dr. Renuka Sharma explains that many times while spending time with each other, feelings may creep in. And, when one partner is willing to keep the relationship casual and the other looks forward to a serious one, it can bring bitterness in their relationship and even ruin their friendship. This can hurt a person’s feelings and can also affect them mentally. Sometimes, it can also lead to physical violence and harassment.

Therefore, it is important that some boundaries are set before indulging in any such relationships. People should be careful when getting intimate, prioritize their safety and ensure it does not affect their mental health. Both should mutually agree to have such a relationship.

Therefore, although such relationships seem very attractive, given that one does not have to commit, they can be challenging if one of the partners begins to fall for the other, who may not be ready for a serious relationship. Therefore, mutual understanding and agreement are a must.

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