
A Proud Tech Mom, A Proud Tech wife and A Proud Tech Woman


Published : Oct 18, 2020, 8:04 AM IST

Updated : Feb 16, 2021, 7:31 PM IST

A woman who took to technology in various ways to sort her life, to create her own identity. Followed a sequence of incidents that made her learn and unlearn a lot about life. Nothing stopped her. Sangeeta Khandelwal is proud to create a mark for herself in multiple ways.

sangeeta khandelwal, heale, female tech stories
A Proud Tech Mom, A Proud Tech wife and A Proud Tech Woman

Delhi: From a nuclear family, Sangeeta was married to a joint family. She was excited to do all household chores herself, trying to keep everyone happy. She became very busy. Gradually, she started to feel that something is missing in her life. She felt that perhaps, she needs more acknowledgment and appreciation. She needs to build her own self in many constructive ways.

She spoke to her husband and joined him in the business. She use to go with him, do things which did not give her the satisfaction. Then, she was asked to handle accounts using a computer. She had never learned a computer and had no idea of how to do accounts. Her elder son who was 16, held her hand and took her to a computer accounting institute and enrolled her for a course of nine months.

Sangeeta remembers, " At 39, I went and attended this course like a child. I worked hard and learnt many things. My teacher and my other class fellows were very supportive. I also became net-savvy. I started to explore many things about technology."

From this course, technology became her lifestyle. Every day, she would go to the office to handle accounts for her husband, and yes also point out faults. The sparkle in the eyes of her husband, made her feel on top of the world.

Her children acknowledged her that they are proud of their mom. Hearing all this, Sangeeta was motivated to do more and more. What a nice moment when all family members support a woman to do what she wants to do.

As time passed by, she started to feel disturbed. She was still not satisfied and started to get restless. Then, she heard about the meditation course from her friend and her journey took another turn. With this course, she not only rectified her emotional and physical well being but started to take classes for others. She is an instructor for meditation.

Sangeeta, " Because I am tech-savvy now, my meditation classes and healing practices went to the next level and reached to many across the world. Classes through video calling helped her clients as well."

Today, she is very contented with life, enjoys all the work she does, and feels very proud to be a woman, proud of whatever she is doing. At the age of 50, she started sustainable gardening and grows everything at home, from veggies to herbs.

Sangeeta very proudly says, " You have wings.. just need to spread them and fly"

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Last Updated : Feb 16, 2021, 7:31 PM IST


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