
Taliban takeover: Former BSF DG pitches for strengthening security in India's eastern & western frontiers


Published : Sep 10, 2021, 7:54 PM IST

It's not that Afghanistan wants to create trouble, Pakistan will push them for creating trouble especially by non state actors like Jaish-e-Mohammad, Lashkar-e-Toiba, writes ETV Bharat Senior Correspondent Gautam Debroy.

Taliban takeover
Taliban takeover

New Delhi:Following the Taliban taking over power in Afghanistan, former director-general of Border Security Force (BSF) Prakash Singh said it's high time India should strengthen its internal as well as border security both at the western and eastern frontiers.

Talking to ETV Bharat in an exclusive interview in New Delhi, Singh said that at present Pakistan has strategic depth in Afghanistan.

Taliban takeover: Former BSF DG pitches for strengthening security in India's eastern & western frontiers

"Whatever is happening in our western border mainly in Afghanistan and considering that Pakistan has its stamp on whatever is happening in Afghanistan, they are happy and believe that they have strategic depth," said Singh who also served as Uttar Pradesh and Assam police chief.

Pakistan's Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) already visited Kabul and met with top Taliban leaders.

"In the formation of government in Afghanistan, we found the hand of Pakistan. And the kind of people who have been selected by ISI to form the government in Afghanistan, all have a terrorist background," said Singh.

In fact, many of the Taliban leaders are on the most wanted list of terrorists by the FBI.

"Considering all these, I am very apprehensive that the threat on our western border is likely to increase in the days to come," said Singh and added, "it's not that Afghanistan wants to create trouble, Pakistan will push them for creating trouble especially by non-state actors like Jaish-e-Mohammad, Lashkar-e-Toiba."

Whatever happened in Afghanistan must have boosted the morale of terrorist organizations and it is a shot in the arm for them, said Singh.

"This kind of non-state actors will again become active and they will try to create problem in our western border in the region of J&K," Singh said.

Read: Digvijay Singh finds no difference in RSS, Taliban stand on women

The former BSF DG suggested that the government of India should immediately take steps to reinforce and strengthen the security grip.

"It's absolutely essential that we should create a situation that whenever anybody tries to cross the border to create trouble, they should be dealt with a strong hand at the border," said Singh.

Singh also said that China is also playing a nefarious game following the development that took place in Afghanistan.

"They (China) knew what happened with Soviet troops in Afghanistan. And now America turned a sorry figure in Afghanistan. So, China is very cautious of not doing anything which may create a problem for them," said Singh.

It's a fact that China is trying to get close to Afghanistan keeping an eye over mining its minerals as well as extending road networks in Afghanistan.

Recently, a delegation from the Chinese government including top intelligence officials from the People's Liberation Army (PLA) visited Afghanistan and interacted with top Taliban leaders.

Singh said that the development in Afghanistan might have its implications along with India's eastern sector too.

"In Bangladesh, there is strong radical fundamentalists groups and they may also feel encouraged over the fact that there is a huge victory for Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan. This may certainly boost the morale of the radical elements in Bangladesh," said Singh.

Read: Afghan's neighbours issue joint statement after meeting; urge Taliban to form inclusive govt

The former BSF DG said that India should closely monitor the activities along its eastern frontier. "The radical fundamentalists from Bangladesh may also try to create problems in India," said Singh.

It may be noted here that several members of radical fundamentalist organisations including Jamaat ul Mujahedeen Bangladesh have been arrested by the Indian security agencies for their involvement in anti-India activities.

However, this outfit was not able to flourish following strong action taken by the Awami League government in Bangladesh.


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