
Astrological predictions for the day


Published : Jul 31, 2021, 8:20 AM IST

Updated : Jul 31, 2021, 5:28 PM IST

Do you want to know if the stars have lined up in your favour? Find out how the stars and planets will influence your day. To know the answers to all such questions, read on ETV Bharat, today's horoscope (राशिफल).


Astrological predictions for July 31, 2021:

  • Aries(March 21-April 20): You may be in a romantic mood to share doing domestic chores with your beloved. You may feel the need to attract your partner for a memorable evening. The day may not be a promising one for finances as you may have to strive harder to increase your earnings. It may be advisable to postpone long term investments. At the office, you may be assigned responsibilities by seniors. You may have the right amount of energy levels to take up new projects.
  • Taurus (April 21-May 21): Keep aside your attitude as there may be disagreements with your partner. Therefore, measuring your words may hold the key to bliss. Give equal attention to your partner and relationship. Despite financial planning, you may not be able to create a viable plan. Overseas or travel to long distances may be indicated for the day. In careers, you may need to focus on priorities. Channelize your efforts in the right direction. You may receive updates from colleagues.
  • Gemini (May 22-June 21):It may be the ideal time for singles to get engaged. You may plan creative activities with your beloved. The financial front looks strong as you may make sudden gains. Friends may play a pivotal role in enhancing income. You may remain in a mood to splurge some money on them. At your job, you may receive appreciation for tasks completed successfully. An online community may bring potential clients who may bring long term benefits for you and your company.
  • Cancer (June 22-July 22): A day to make necessary commitments with your loved one. Moments spent together may bring you closer to one another. Financially you may generate more income with the help of your hard work. Continue with the efforts as they may bring long term rewards. It may be time to plan work-related activities like arranging meetings, discussing technicalities, and initiating projects. Though there may be no chances for blunders, you may need to exert caution while making an important decision.
  • Leo (July 23-August 23):Enhanced energy levels and confidence may help you get closer to your beloved. A change in home decor may be a part of your discussion. Finances may soar as overseas contacts may bring good taste along with lucrative deals. This may enhance your monetary status. At the work front, you may be appreciated for your amazing dexterity to handle official matters. You may be applauded by seniors for your sound judgment and decision making skills in practical matters.
  • Virgo (August 24-September 22): Your imaginative powers may help in wooing your beloved. Changing home decors or planning a romantic journey to a far off place may be foreseen. It may not be an auspicious time for finances as there may be delays in payments. Moreover, you may feel dissatisfied as rewards may not be commensurate with your hard work. The rising Sun may highlight your skills. You may brim with enthusiasm to embrace new techniques. Learning and adapting to new concepts may increase efficiency and productivity.
  • Libra (September 23-October 23): It may be time to spend some emotional moments with your beloved. You may enjoy the ecstasies of life to the fullest. On the monetary front, you may need to spend money to maintain your public image. Therefore, it may be advisable to keep a low profile lest it may weigh in your pocket. Avoid taking risks for the day as you may settle for average gains. A perfect day to improve relations at the workplace. Overall, the day may bring productivity.
  • Scorpio (October 24-November 22): You may get fascinated to shower your beloved with some lovely gifts. There may be a sharing of wonderful times together. In money matters, you may need to be careful and avoid lavish spending. Keep away from taking debts lest you may find it difficult to repay. At work, you may get lethargic and escape from fulfilling your responsibilities. This may hamper your reputation. Get into the practice of finishing off your pending tasks.
  • Sagittarius (November 23-December 21): You may feel special in the company of your beloved. Sparks may fly as you get closer to each other. Monetarily it may be a lucky day as you may tend to spend extravagantly. There may be a temptation to indulge in speculative activities. Professionally you may speed up with your assignments which may win you laurels. Colleagues may rely on your talents and skill. You may be entrusted with new responsibilities as you confidently move ahead with your potential.
  • Capricorn (December 22-January 20): Love life may be good as you emphasize a good relationship with your partner. It may be a romantically pleasant day as you may share sweet nothings with your partner. You may spend on artefacts or change the interiors of your house. At the workplace, you are likely to be disorganized today. Your debilitated energies may prevent you from utilizing your potential to the fullest. There may be chances of missing lucrative profit-making opportunities.
  • Aquarius (January 21-February 18):Taking your beloved for granted may not just be the right way to go about things. Learn to express yourself. Singles may get an opportunity to meet the love of their life. Expenses may soar as there may be short-distance trips. You may not be in an enviable monetary position so think about enhancing cash inflows. Professionally it may be an ideal day for communication as you may interact with service providers. Get into a healthy discussion in case of dissatisfaction to clarify doubts and resolve matters.
  • Pisces (February 19-March 20): A time to relax and get cosy with your beloved. You may feel satisfied with the changes in your relationship. Take the help of an expert to sort out your monetary tangles. Emphasize long term financial planning and execution. Emotional attachment to your work may help you to thoroughly enjoy the day. There may be steady progress in the workplace. Confidence may remain at an all-time high as you may enjoy some fun moments with your colleagues.
Last Updated : Jul 31, 2021, 5:28 PM IST


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