
Sonam Wangchuk Highlights Border Incident on Eighth Day of His 'Climate Fast'

By ETV Bharat English Team

Published : Mar 13, 2024, 6:05 PM IST

Celebrated innovator Sonam Wangchuk is on a hunger strike. On the eight day of his strike, Wangchuk released a video in which he provided his health update and highlighted a border incident.

Sonam Wangchuk is on a hunger strike in Leh
Sonam Wangchuk who is on a hunger strike (Source Sonam Wangchuk X post snapshot)

Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir): On the eighth day of his hunger strike (Climate fast) protest, celebrated innovator Sonam Wangchuk released a three-minute 43-second video addressing the public.

Wangchuk, fasting in Leh's NDS stadium, began the video expressing gratitude and providing a health update. "Hello, Jule Namaskar. Today marks the eighth day of my hunger strike, and I am doing well," Wangchuk stated.

He then discussed a surprising meteorological shift, noting a rise to minus three degrees Celsius during a recent snowfall and a prior drop to minus 16 to 17 degrees Celsius. In his latest update, he observed a further drop to minus 10 degrees Celsius.

Wangchuk highlighted the significance of these weather changes, emphasising their impact on energy dynamics. The innovator passionately spoke about harnessing energy from the open sky and Earth's necessity to release energy to maintain balance.

Providing insights into the challenges faced during the fast-unto-death protest, Wangchuk shared that around sixty people are fasting with him in the open, enduring minus 10-degree weather.

Similar protests are occurring at the India-China border, where villagers express dissatisfaction with the Centre's reluctance to grant Ladakh statehood and implement the Sixth Schedule.

Expressing concern over the safety of protestors, Wangchuk detailed an incident in Phobrang village, a border village. Security forces prevented shepherds from reaching their grazing lands near the China border, forcing them to fast 15 km inside Indian territory. This incident highlighted a change in the security scenario, adding a new layer to the protest.

The video included a statement from a local shepherd who emphasised his contribution to supplying essentials to Indian Army personnel at the Line of Actual Control (LAC). The shepherd appealed to the BJP government, saying, "We are requesting you to fulfill what your government has promised us."

Wangchuk urged widespread support, calling on people to observe a one-day fast on Sunday or find alternative ways to express solidarity with nature. He emphasised the importance of sharing the video to raise awareness and garner support for their movement.


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