
Premature Ejaculation- To Worry Or Not?


Published : Jul 4, 2020, 4:31 PM IST

Timing can be everything in the bedroom. If you’re climaxing sooner than you and your partner would like sex but if within minutes’ Premature ejaculation happens, It can hurt your relationship and can be frustrating as well. Know what our expert has to say about this sexual problem.

Need to worry in Premature Ejaculation
Need to worry in Premature Ejaculation

Sex is an integral part of a man-woman relation, which not only establishes an intimate connection among couple but it also cements the bond. Like any other health issue, sexual problems can also make your life difficult and one such important but treatable condition in Men is premature ejaculation.

When a man ejaculates within a minute or less than a minute after penetration, it’s called Premature Ejaculation. Whereas the normal duration of the ejaculation after penetration is between three to five minutes. Anytime sooner than a minute is when one should worry about ejaculation.

Many factors lead a man to premature ejaculation. Dr. Rahul Reddy, andrologist, explains why premature ejaculation is seen more in men of these days. “Men of this generation tend to watch a lot of adult videos and start masturbation very early. This is one big reason why premature ejaculation is seen in a lot of men of these days”.

There are two types of Premature Ejaculation. One, Permanent Premature Ejaculation and two, Secondary Premature Ejaculation. The first type is where premature ejaculation is there since the start. These men don’t develop this condition later. But the second type is where premature ejaculation is seen later. In these men, this condition develops gradually but is not there from the start.

Premature ejaculation is effective in all age groups of men, including the old and the young. Men with Permanent Premature Ejaculation are different slightly with men with Secondary Premature Ejaculation. Dr. Rahul Reddy explains why?

“In Secondary Premature Ejaculation, the condition happens due to external factors like Hormonal Imbalance, Performance Anxiety, previous failure while having intercourse, Infection in the prostate, Over Excitement, Relationship Stress, and Guilt or Depression. The condition is developed gradually and isn’t there from the beginning. Other factors like sensitive skin on penis, tight foreskin are also the causes of Premature Ejaculation in secondary premature ejaculation staged men. Whereas in the first case, Permanent Premature Ejaculation, this condition is there since the start. It won’t develop later.”

The treatments differ with both types. Men with permanent premature ejaculation are given treatments like “Counselling, Psychotherapy, inducing relaxation techniques and the Stop and start method, along with few pelvic floor exercises. The treatment focuses on tuning the mind of these men that, the condition can be overcome. Whereas men who develop this condition due to other factors are treated according to the factor that is causing the condition”, explains Dr. Rahul Reddy.

Though these practices are the basic treatments, the actual treatment is with the drugs. The majority of the men (80%) react and perform well with the drugs while in a very few men there is no improvement. Men who ejaculate sooner due to stress-related issues are the men in whom the drugs don’t work well, because stress dominates drug with these men. Selective surgeries are another option for treating premature ejaculation in such men. “But surgeries are the last options, says,” Dr. Reddy.

Premature Ejaculation is a concern in many men as it affects their sex lives. Relationship issues develop gradually with premature ejaculation, which is why it is of a bigger concern.

“While early masturbation (at 13-14 years) and watching porn are major factors causing premature ejaculation, trying to lead a stress-free life and not worry about performance are major solutions to control premature ejaculation,” concluded Dr. Rahul Reddy.

You can reach out to Dr. Rahul Reddy with your queries


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