
Kashmir youth Faizan Mir becomes civil servant in London


Published : Jul 6, 2023, 5:06 PM IST

Faizan has qualified the exam for the post of Legal Advisor at The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (OFGEM) in London.

Srinagar born Faizan Nazir is now Bureaucrat at UK Royal government
Srinagar born Faizan Nazir is now Bureaucrat at UK Royal government

Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir): A 30-year-old youth from Srinagar has brought laurels to Jammu and Kashmir by becoming the first Kashmir born to be posted as a civil servant in the Royal government in UK. There is an atmosphere of celebration at the residence of Nazir Ahmed Mir in Chhatabal area of Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir.

Mir's son Faizan Nazir has achieved the rare feat of joining His royal majesty's administration. Faizan has been posted as the Legal Advisor at The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (OFGEM) in London. In a special conversation with ETV Bharat, Faizan said that he qualified for the job last year but got the posting in January this year.

He is the first Kashmiri to be appointed in the Royal government who was born in Srinagar (Kashmir). After assuming office in January, he was at home for the first time on Eid-ul-Adha holidays. Elaborating on his rare feat, Faizan said that OFGEM is the UK's Independent Energy Regulator. “My role is currently Grade 7 (G7) which means I am accountable for outcomes in my team's policy area," he said.

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Talking about his selection, he said, "Just like Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Service (JKAS) exams in India, UK too have open and fair exams. But, exams there are sector wise. They advertise the posts and you have to apply. As India is a semi-federal country whereas UK government is unitary. And because of that there are different levels of bureaucracy in UK. I am G7 and it falls between Indian Administrative Services (IAS) and Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Services (JKAS)."

He further said that unlike India where bureaucrats are promoted on the basis of their experience and seniority in service, Britain promotes its civil servants on the basis of their competency. “Basically, which means that if I work hard and prove my worth, I can rise to the top of the British bureaucracy," he said. Attributing his success to his parents, Faizan said, "Almighty first and then my parents. Anyone can achieve anything as long as they have a good environment. I owe everything to my parents."

Faizan's father Nazir Ahmad Mir is also not less happy about his son's success. He considers Faizan's success as a reward for all the difficulties he has faced. He said that Faizan did all his education in Delhi. He studied law there and then worked in the courts. Faizan also passed the UK exam and the results of the civil services exams came last year. But the posting was allotted in January this year.

“For a long time we did not tell anyone about this, but it came to the fore and since then everyone has been congratulating us. It has made our area famous," Nazir said. Recalling the tough days of the family, Nazir said, "There was a time when we did not even have his (Faizan's) school fees. We were helpless but got support from all corners and today got this happiness”.


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