
From Boris, Biden to Macron, Erdogan, here are top 10 reactions to Russia's attack on Ukraine


Published : Feb 24, 2022, 10:15 PM IST

World leaders condemned Russia's attack on Ukraine even as president Vladimir Putin cast aside international condemnation and sanctions and announced the launch of the military offensive against Ukraine on Thursday. He also warned other countries that any attempt to interfere would lead to consequences they had "never seen".

World leaders' response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine
World leaders' response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Brussels:World leaders condemned Russia's attack on Ukraine even as president Vladimir Putin cast aside international condemnation and sanctions and announced the launch of the military offensive against Ukraine on Thursday. He also warned other countries that any attempt to interfere would lead to consequences they had "never seen".

Here are the reactions by key leaders and countries to the Russian attempt to wage war on Ukraine:

  1. European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen called it a barbaric attack on an independent nation that also targeted the stability in Europe and the whole of the international peace order. The EU is set to hold an emergency summit in Brussels, where NATO is also meeting after Poland and the Baltic nations bordering Russia and Ukraine called for an urgent session.
  2. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called an emergency parliamentary sitting on Sunday over Ukraine invasion and said Putin is "jeopardising peace in Europe". He said, "Germany condemns this reckless act by President Putin in the strongest possible terms.”
  3. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey will continue to support Ukraine's territorial integrity and sees Russia's attack on it as unacceptable.
  4. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said NATO condemns Russia's invasion of Ukraine in the strongest terms. "We call on Russia to immediately seize its military action & withdraw from Ukraine. NATO allies in close coordination with EU & other partners all over the world are now imposing severe economic sanctions on Russia".
  5. British PM Boris Johnson said: "Today, with our allies, we will agree on a massive package of economic sanctions designed in time to hobble the Russian economy. We must also collectively seize our dependence on Russian oil & gas that for too long has given Putin his grip on western politics. I say to the Ukrainians in this moment of agony, we are with you. We are praying for you and your families, we are on your side"
  6. US President Joe Biden said the prayers of the entire world are with the people of Ukraine. "President Putin has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering. Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its Allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way."
  7. French President Emmanuel Macron, who had labored until the last minute for a diplomatic solution, said France firmly condemns Russia's decision to wage war, and promised support for Ukraine.
  8. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, "President Putin, in the name of humanity, bring your troops back to Russia".
  9. Pakistan PM Imran Khan, who reached Russia just as the country escalated its actions on Ukraine, said "What a time I have much excitement!"
  10. China called for talks to resolve the crisis in Ukraine while refusing to criticize Russia's attack and accusing the U.S. and its allies of worsening the situation. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said "the Ukraine issue is complex in its historical background...what we are seeing today is the interplay of complex factors.

READ:Ukraine says 40 killed in Russian attack so far, asks citizens to come out and defend their country


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