
Union Cabinet likely to approve the Farm Laws Repeal Bill today


Published : Nov 24, 2021, 9:19 AM IST

Followed by the announcement to repeal the much resisted farm laws by Prime Minister Modi, the Union Cabinet is holding a meeting today in which the repeal bill is likely to be accepted. It will taken up in legislative business on November 29.

farm laws repeal
Union Cabinet likely to approve the Farm Laws Repeal Bill today

New Delhi:According to the sources, the proposal to repeal the farm laws is likely to be accepted today in a meeting to be held by the Union Cabinet. The 'Farm Laws Repeal Bill, 2020' is listed to be taken up in the legislative business on the first day of the parliamentary sessions that will commence on November 29.

The Prime Minister had recently announced that the farm laws shall be repealed in response to a year long protest put up by the farmer unions all across the nation. He had additionally said that new necessary bills will be proposed in the winter session of the Parliament that begins later this month. He also announced that a committee will be appointed by the centre to chalk out a new framework for the Minimum Support Price (MSP), which was also a major issue for the farmers in the proposed farm laws.

Also read:BIG NEWS: All three farm laws repealed, says PM Narendra Modi

The farmers' protests that began on November 26, 2020, finally came to an end after PM Modi announced on November 19 that they will soon be repealed. The farmers' unions have however not declared their agitation as over and are planning to march to Delhi on November 29 - the first day of the parliamentary sessions. The unions have reportedly said that they will step down and stop the protests only after the laws are officially and legally repealed.

'The Farm Laws Repeal Act, 2020' which is likely to be accepted today seeks to repeal the Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020, The Farmers' Empowerment and Protection Agreement of Price Assurance, Farm Services Act, 2020, and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020. It is listed in the 26 new bills that are on the agenda of the government for the upcoming parliamentary sessions.

Also read:Saamana says PM lost farmers' trust


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