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8 Benefits Of Curry Leaves

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Published : Jun 17, 2020, 5:08 PM IST

Curry leaves are consumed in many parts of the world in different forms. They help us in weight loss and with required vitamins as well. Our expert Dr. Kalpesh Rameshlal Baphana, MD Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics explains to us the overall benefits of it.

curry leaves
curry leaves

Curry leaves, kadi patta or meethi neem are all names of a plant wise Latin name is ‘Murraya Koenigii’. This plant is not only famous for its aromatic and unique taste but also for various medicinal properties. Dr. Kalpesh Rameshlal Baphana, MD Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics, Kalpayu Health Care Clinic, Pune says, “The curry leaves plant is native to the Indian subcontinents- India, China, Pakistan, it is found everywhere. It is very popular in India and is used in cooking curry, which is where the name comes from, due to its spicy aroma and taste. It has plenty of health benefits and has been in use since ancient times”.

Curry leaves are loaded with benefits, but what are those? Here are some of them as explained by Dr. Kalpesh:

Digestive Disorders

  • Curry leaves are very helpful in digestive disorders like dysentery, constipation and diarrhea. There are different ways in which it can be used.
  • For diarrhoea and dysentery, grind the curry leaves and add it to the buttermilk. Drink it on an empty stomach.
  • For constipation, eat fresh curry leaves by simply chewing them on an empty stomach.

Morning Sickness And Nausea
Morning sickness is generally observed during the first trimester of pregnancy and nausea is common in others as well. The leaves help in increasing the digestive secretions and reducing these phenomena of morning sickness and nausea.

Alkaloids are found in curry leaves, which serve as a bactericidal agent. Bactericidal means that it kills the bacteria and so it is helpful in preventing digestive tract infections.

Carrying a pungent flavour, it is useful in diabetes. It reduces the blood glucose levels. Components like zinc, copper and iron are found in the curry leaves and copper protects and stimulates the insulin secretion in pancreas, which is why it is helpful.

Traditionally, curry leaves are known to prevent the early on-set of cataract. Being rich in vitamin A, they are known to protect our eyes and provide nourishment to them. Therefore, it has a positive effect on eyesight as well as prevention of cataract.

According to Ayurveda, there are 6 tastes in a diet- sweet, salty, sour, pungent, astringent and bitter. While sweet, salty and sour foods are useful for weight gain, the other three, pungent, astringent and bitter foods are helpful in weight loss and curry leaves being pungent reduces the fat in the body, thereby assisting the weight loss. Carbazol, an alkaloid found in the leaves, also helps regulate the cholesterol levels in the body.

Wound Healing And Burns
Curry leaves are also known for its healing properties. A fresh paste of curry leaves and water can be prepared and applied on the wounds, burns, bruises, skin eruptions like boils, etc. overnight and covered with a gauze. It will heal by morning.

Hair Loss
Curry leaves paste can also be used for preventing hair loss. The paste can be applied to the affected area on the scalp, where hair loss is more. Also, if curry leaves are consumed regularly, they help in restoring the hair growth.

Therefore, with ample benefits, curry leaves should be consumed on a regular basis. They are easily available all over India and you can also grow a small plant in your garden. Along with being flavorful, they are also easy to add to your daily diet.

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