
World Population Day 2023: Working Towards Future of Equality and Prosperity


Published : Jul 10, 2023, 11:01 PM IST

To raise awareness about excess population and its effects, and to highlight the problems that we might face due to overpopulation, United Nations Development Programme initiated the observance of "World Population Day" every year on July 11, across the globe.

World Population Day 2023: Working Towards Future of Equality and Prosperity
World Population Day 2023: Working Towards Future of Equality and Prosperity

Hyderabad: In the year 1989, the world population was reported to be around 5 Billion. Worried about the problems that overpopulation might cause, the United Nations Development Programme took the initiative of observing 'World Population Day' on July 11 every year around the world. The day highlights the seriousness of the issue of excess population, and the effects and the problematic effects it will have on the world.

Overpopulation is undoubtedly an issue that has caused multiple troubles for every living individual on this planet. In the year 2023, the World Population is reported to be around 8 Billion. Every nation should take positive steps in order to control the population of its citizens. Also, citizens should cooperate by following the measures undertaken by their respective governments in keeping the population under control.

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Reportedly, India is the most populous country in the world, which surpassed China with over 1.4 Billion people in terms of population. The Government of India has taken many initiatives such as Family Planning & Welfare Programs for population control. But, there might be some positives to the increased population if utilised effectively. The excessive population also provides us with an increased number of brains, which will help contribute towards the development of a nation.

In the year 2023, World Population Day is being observed around the theme "Unleashing the power of gender equality: Uplifting the voices of women and girls to unlock our world’s infinite possibilities". This theme highlights the importance of equal rights for women and how important it is to realise the needs of women in terms of sexual and reproductive health for the foundation of gender equality. The day will provide a platform for empowering women to realise and unleash their full potential.

If a government takes appropriate steps and provides opportunities for this increased human capital, it will be successful in enabling brilliant minds to contribute to the world with various innovations and inventions in different sectors. Also, the administration needs to figure out ways to take advantage of the easily available manpower to experience economic growth. It would be much easier to achieve the goal of a sustainable world if nations can find ways to utilise human intelligence and labour, instead of just complaining about the excessive population.


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