
Tips to get rid of oily skin during summer


Published : Apr 12, 2023, 12:54 PM IST

Here are some remedies to get rid of oily skin during the summer season.

Tips to get rid of oily skin during summer
Tips to get rid of oily skin during summer

Hyderabad: People with oily skin face more problems due to high temperatures during summer. By taking some precautions you can easily get rid of this problem to have a less irritating summer.

Also read:Precautionary measures for summer skin care and hair care

  1. Cleansing your face: It is normal for the skin to feel burnt after spending some time in the sun, therefore people keep splashing cold water on their faces. Using cleansing milk instead of cold water provides better results.
  2. Mandatory skin care routine: The skin gets oily because people neglect using moisturisers and sunscreens in summer. Choosing these products according to the season is very essential, or else the chances of skin tans increase.
  3. Use Oil Blotting Paper: Even after taking necessary precautions, your face might feel oily, and to overcome that, you can use oil blotting papers. Keeping these handy and wiping your face whenever it feels oily can help you feel refreshed and make your face look clean. But excessive use of these can strip your face of essential oils, therefore it is necessary to use them in controlled quantity.
  4. Refrain from using oil-based makeup: Applying makeup post a shower or washing your face is a habitual activity these days. But making sure you use products that prevent the oiliness of skin for a long time is also essential. It will also help the make-up to last longer. Therefore refraining from oil-based products might help with getting rid of oily skin.
  5. Nutrition: Paying special attention to your diet during summer also help in great amount. Consuming oily substances during summer might create more complications for the skin. Therefore consuming foods with high water content.
  6. Homemade face packs: Make a banana pulp face pack with oats and milk and apply it for 20-30 minutes and rinse with cold water. Or make another face pack with cucumber and lemon juice by adding turmeric to it, and apply it on your face for 10-15 minutes and wash with cold water. You can apply these face packs twice a week.


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