
8 Ways To Enhance Your Sex Life


Published : Jun 27, 2021, 9:01 AM IST

Sexual Health

A good relationship is always dependent on physical intimacy among couples. Good interpersonal communication is one way to achieve it apart from a mutual understanding of each other's needs. We bring to you some tips to enhance your sex life.

Everyone wishes to have a happy and satisfactory sexual life, but sometimes certain factors like stress, a disturbed lifestyle, hormonal changes, etc. can result in loss of libido or lack of willingness and energy to form a sexual relationship. Men usually face the problem of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and the Harvard Medical School suggests that exercise and dietary changes can help resolve this problem. Therefore, here are some of the ways to improve your sexual life.

  1. Exercise Daily If Possible Together
    Be In Good Shape

Exercise is not just good for physical fitness, but also to improve one’s sexual life. According to a Harvard Study, a 30 minutes walk per day is linked to a 41% drop in the risk of ED. It will also help in maintaining a healthy weight, hence improving sex life. One can also practice yoga, if not strenuous exercises.

2. Have Quality Sleep
Getting good sleep is extremely essential for overall health. A study in 2015 suggested that getting good sleep increases libido the next day. Also, quality sleep relieves stress and anxiety and relaxes the mind, which helps in better sexual relationships.

3. Eat Well
Your diet too can affect your sexual life. The food we eat affects the sugar, cholesterol, as well as blood pressure levels in our body. Also, our sex life is linked to our heart health, and eating unhealthy food can be a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, lowered metabolic function, etc. All that can affect the libido negatively. Therefore, eating meals low in sugar and high in lean protein is advised. Unhealthy eating can also save you from obesity, which has an impact on one’s sexual life.

4. Communicate
Besides a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet, communication is the key in any relationship. Both partners must not hesitate to talk about their problems and preferences about their sexual health. Together they should try to understand each other in the same context and work on resolving the issue.

5. Kegel Exercises

Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises are known to improve sexual fitness as it helps in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. For this, you can stop while urinating midstream. Once you have identified the right pelvic muscles, you can exercise in any position you like. Although it is the easiest to do while lying on your back. Both men and women can practice this.

6. Relax
Try to relax through yoga or meditation. Especially before having sex with your partner, keep all the stress at bay, to enjoy the intimate moment. You can go out for a nice date or do some recreational activities together. Be in the moment both mentally as well as physically when you are together.

7. Try Something New
Something new and exciting can spice up your sex life. We all need a little change now and then. Monotony can be boring, hence, trying a new position or even a toy or fulfilling each other’s fantasies can positively impact a sexual relationship.

8. Seek Professional Help
If you are not able to resolve the issue on your own, do not hesitate to speak to a sex therapist or counselor. He/she may be able to help enhance your sexual life and assure you a happier, healthier, and satisfactory sex. Sexual needs are our basic needs and it is time that we start talking openly about it.

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