
MP: No money for cremation, Hindu tribal family buries dead son


Published : Oct 14, 2022, 9:26 PM IST

A family in Madhya Pradesh following Hindu customs had to bury their son's body instead of cremation as they were so poor that they couldn't afford it.

MP: No money for last rites, Hindu tribal family buries dead son
MP: No money for last rites, Hindu tribal family buries dead son

Damoh (Madhya Pradesh):A family in Madhya Pradesh following Hindu customs had to bury their son's body instead of cremation as they are so poor that they couldn't afford it. The incident is from the tribal-dominated Taparia village, 43 km from Damoh in Madhya Pradesh.

The deceased has been identified as Divyang, who died at the age of 17. Sources said he was ill for three months but could not be treated due to a lack of money and no help from anywhere. The deceased's father also died due to the non-availability of treatment. The mother of the deceased said she has two other sons who are also malnourished and ill.

Also read:Bihar, Jharkhand, UP emerge as poorest states in India: Niti Aayog

After the matter came to the fore, administrative officers reached the house of the deceased and said they would offer Rs 1 lakh as compensation. The Indian Red Cross Society has also offered to give Rs 10000. Some other social organizations have also taken initiative in this matter.

Speaking to ETV Bharat, the District Coordinator of the National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) Shyam Gautam said, "I will form a group of tribal women and provide employment so that the economic condition of the people can improve. I was not aware of this matter. Although this is the work of the Panchayat, however, after the matter came to the fore, I am willing to start work at their level for employment in the area," he said.


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