Hyderabad: Tollywood actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu is set to make a spectacular comeback to the world of OTT with her Hindi web series titled Citadel: Honey Bunny. The series, helmed by the director duo Raj & DK, will also feature Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan, who is making his debut in the realm of web series. On Thursday, Samantha and Varun took to their Instagram Stories to tease their fans by dropping a post shared by Raj & DK.
The post had "01.08" written on it, suggesting a close connection to the Citadel theme. This announcement has sparked a flurry of speculation among fans, who anticipate a significant revelation about the series on August 1, 2024. Many are hopeful that this update will include the release date for this eagerly awaited series.
Citadel: Honey Bunny is an Indian adaptation of the popular American series Citadel, which stars Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden. The Hindi edition will also be available in Telugu on Amazon Prime Video and is expected to offer an entertaining and thrilling viewing experience. The series also stars Sikandar Kher, Emma Canning, Kay Kay Menon, and Saqib Saleem, each playing vital roles that promise to enhance the narrative.
Having last appeared in the critically acclaimed The Family Man season, which was also directed by Raj & DK, Samantha is enthusiastic about her return to the OTT landscape with this project. Her partnership with the directors once again raises the bar, owing to their impressive history of success. Furthermore, Samantha has another series in collaboration with Raj & DK lined up.
Speaking of Varun Dhawan, Citadel: Honey Bunny marks a significant career milestone, as it is his first venture into the web series format. The plot centers around a high-stakes spy action thriller, packed with intense action sequences and gripping drama that promises to captivate audiences.