Baloda Bazar: Following the leakage of gas from the Shree Cement Factory in Baloda Bazar of Chhattisgarh, 40 children of the government school in Khaparadih complained of nausea and fainted. They were rushed to a nearby hospital from where 35 children were referred to the primary health centre and the district hospital depending on their condition.
Following the incident, villagers staged a demonstration in front of the cement factory accusing it of polluting the environment and harming the students of the nearby school.
The villagers said the health of the children deteriorated due to pollution and the gas emitted from the cement plant. They demand the immediate closure of the plant.
Collector Deepak Soni and SP inspected the spot and questioned the head of the Alternate Fuel Resource (AFR) centre of the plant and directed him to make all safety arrangements.
"There is a possibility of gas leakage. The team of the Environment Protection Board, Raipur and Industrial Health and Safety Department has reached the spot to check the AFR of the plant and the air pollution level. I have instructed the District Education Officer to make alternative arrangements for studies so that the studies of the students suffer no academic losses," Soni said.

"A team of environmental experts and a hygiene lab from Raipur will soon be sent to the spot to investigate the causes of this incident. A thorough investigation will be conducted and a detailed report will be prepared soon. If it is found in the investigation that the health of the children has deteriorated due to pollution, the administration will take strict action," he added.
The leakage started around 10 am after the people started smelling it. The female students complained of breathing difficulties, dizziness and nausea following which they were taken to the government hospital. The teachers of the school confirmed the gas leak.
"There was a gas leak around 10 am. After which a smell started coming. Due to this children complained of difficulty in breathing, stomach ache and vomiting. About 35 of them were kept at the counter and sent in the ambulance. The serious ones were sent to Suhela, Bhatapara and Baloda Bazar," Priya Rawani, a lecturer at the school, said.
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